Modern Bridal Half Updo's - New Elizabethan Design Inspiration

Following my final hair design process and the trials of achieving this look on my hair, I wanted to further research modern bridal updo's to refer back to. I want to make sure I am able to incorporate these ideas with Elizabethan techniques. I used pinterest and google to find some images that reflect my ideas of a New Elizabethan bridal updo.

Each look has the hair carried back and away from the face into a small quiff or raised area at the back of the head. This will be to keep the attention on the bride and emphasis their beauty, not to detract from it. On my design, I feel this has been included through the crimped, backcombed hair pulled back into a circle shape to demonstrate the Elizabethan high hairline and frizzing technique combined with modern shaping and styling ideas. These images often also have a focal area to break up the gap between the quiff and curls underneath. Some have a bunch of curls, wrapped round hair or buns. For mine, I have the plait and modern bun as two more sections to add a modern twist on top of the Elizabethan techniques shown at the front and top of the hair design. Finally, the curls complete the look. I wanted to include ringlet style curls to reflect back to typically modern bridal hair styles. Having researched historical and modern looks, I have to achieve my final style including an array of ideals from each era. 


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